I am assuming that you are getting this as a compile error? Are you using the "Manage" Generate Compiler Error on Range component? I have pasted the info from the help guide below....hopefully this helps.
Generate Compiler Error on Range
· Aborts the compile process when the compiler finds an out-of-range constant value
· Displays a user-defined error message in the Error Messages tab
· Prevents a user from entering a value that compiles but causes erratic operation when downloaded
(For example, a joystick calibration value that is too high would compile successfully but might cause erratic machine operation when downloaded
· A1 = Constant value
· Low? = Click with Query/Change to enter the low value for the range
· High? = Click with Query/Change to enter the high value for the range
· MSG? = Click with Query/Change to enter the error message that displays if A1 is out of range