Author Topic: Handling the csv file generated by Application data logging  (Read 12718 times)

Offline BRIan

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Excel is OK but it takes a while to set up a download into a graph and is awkward to manipulate, especially when there is a heap of data points. Has anybody come across a quick method to manipulate the data and enable zooming, truncating etc to home in on a particalar time slice?

Offline Jakob

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Re: Handling the csv file generated by Application data logging
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2013, 12:53:35 PM »
You could do a lot with visual basic, C++ or some other code language.
Question is, who is the intended user, your self or a customer?

I'm sure there are data manipulation programs out there, doing all sort of different tasks.

Offline 240glt

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Re: Handling the csv file generated by Application data logging
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2013, 12:19:09 PM »
I have used Gnuplot for this, because it is a lot faster than working with a spreadsheet. For plotting various log files. But it takes some time to learn, and make a script that works good for your data and application.

I'm also happy to know if someone know of a simple program to plot graphs from custom log data files.