Author Topic: Thermocouple amplifier for exhaust gas temp measurement  (Read 12611 times)

Offline spittet

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Thermocouple amplifier for exhaust gas temp measurement
« on: September 21, 2018, 07:43:46 PM »

On a diesel engine, we want to monitor pre-turbo exhaust gas temp using a K-type thermocouple. We already have a MC050 controller on the machine.

Do you have suggestion of a rugged/automotive thermocouple amplifier that has a decent output that can be fed in an AnIn pin of the MC050 controller?

Thanks in advance!


Offline FluidPowerTom

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Re: Thermocouple amplifier for exhaust gas temp measurement
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2018, 01:34:04 AM »
I don't have an amplifier that I can suggest, but perhaps you can get by without one.  K-type thermocouples will generate a signal of about 0 - 60 mV.  Some of the multifunction inputs allow you to change the range to '2' which is 0 - 0.3675 Volt.  I don't see an indication that this has lower resolution for that range, so I'm guessing you get the full 12-bit resolution.  If that's the case - I'd verify with Helpdesk - then you can get by without an amplifier.  You'd get a resolution of about 0.09 mV.
Controls Engineer
Hydra-Power Systems