Author Topic: PVE-CC addressing, communication, documentation  (Read 29278 times)


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PVE-CC addressing, communication, documentation
« on: July 17, 2012, 07:29:21 PM »
I'm programming a machine with several PVE-CC hydroelectric valves, which are all on the CAN bus.
The technical information document (520l0665.pdf) and available downloads seem to lack the information I need.

First, I need to know how to change the address/node ID for these valves, and have it keep that address.
Right now, the valves address themselves (as alluded to in 520l0665.pdf) as nodes 128 through 143, but at random.
For example, the first valve has been node 128 consistently, but the second valve was 129 most of the time, and then this morning during testing, changed itself to 132.
Obviously I cannot control valves whose addresses change.
I've got the P1D file for these valves, and can read all their parameters in the service tool.
Although I can see which node ID each valve has, I do not appear to be able to change the node ID that they use.
How do I change the node ID/address for these valves AND have it remain permanent?

Next, I need to know how to communicate with these on the CAN bus.
The information in 520l0665.pdf is does not tell you how to do this.
It gives you partial information, but the info on how to open/close the valves is not complete enough that you'd be able to send an open/close command to the valve.
I *can* open and close the valves on the CAN bus, but only with the help of an old test program that was provided by one of the GUIDE instructors.
If I send a CAN message with address 0x0CFE3006, byte 0 as a number from 0...250 (full closed...full open, probably), byte 2 as 1: extend or 2: retract, and bytes 1,3...7 as zeroes, the first valve (128) works.
How do CAN addresses 0x0CFE3006...0x0CFE4006 relate to node IDs 128...143, and why?
Why does byte 2 decide if it's an extend or retract command, and where is this documented?
(520l0665.pdf does not have this.)
What other messages can I send to these valves to control them, and what do I set the bytes to?

The docs allude to some very useful functionality, such as changing how quickly valves move from one position to another, and how smoothly they move.
However, without complete, concise documentation, I cannot use any of this.
Where is this missing information?


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Re: PVE-CC addressing, communication, documentation
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2012, 10:19:56 PM »
Another thing I need to know, is what actions will put the valve into an error state.
e.g. If you move the valve with the manual lever (probably while receiving a CAN command), it stops responding to the CAN messages.
Where do I find the list of error states, and how do I reset the valve to normal operation without power-cycling it?

Offline Neil

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Re: PVE-CC addressing, communication, documentation
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2012, 06:27:58 AM »
Hi ET.

Whats the part number 157B?

You should also read the early thread regarding the cc's

regards Neil
« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 06:29:50 AM by Neil »


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Re: PVE-CC addressing, communication, documentation
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2012, 09:41:45 PM »

To which earlier post are you referring? Please link to it.
In the time I've spent searching this forum, I have not yet found anything providing the information I require.


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Re: PVE-CC addressing, communication, documentation
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2012, 10:04:56 PM »
Answering one of several pieces of information myself.

CAN / Service Tool node address:
To change this, open up service tool and use a basic parameter function page to change:

Set them to something between 128 and 143.
Other values may or may not work.


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Re: PVE-CC addressing, communication, documentation
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2012, 08:46:36 PM »
How often do you need to send messages to these valves so that they continue operating?
The PVED-CC Users Manual (PDF: 157B4942) says on page 27 that they need a minimum of one message every second, or every time the position needs to be changed.
However, these valves seem to stop working if you go any slower than 40 ms.
I had them working yesterday with an 80 ms interval, but that stopped today.
Before that, I tried them with 200 ms and 400 ms, which obviously failed as it's even slower.

How can you switch between hand-operation mode and CAN-controlled mode?
Right now, if you touch one of the manual levers on the valves, the CAN receiver stops responding to computer commands, until the machine is power-cycled.
The diagram in the PVED-CC Users Manual (PDF: 157B4942) shows that you can move back and forth between these two modes, but it doesn't tell you what to set the bits to in the message to do this.

I'd really like some answers from a SDF rep on this.
The lack of documentation on these valves is making what should be a trivial programming task into an impossibility.

Offline CShultz

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Re: PVE-CC addressing, communication, documentation
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2013, 10:36:01 PM »
I am new to PVED's.. can someone answer the below statement for me:
How do CAN addresses 0x0CFE3006...0x0CFE4006 relate to node IDs 128...143, and why?
From the technical literature is sounds as if 0x0CFE3006 is for Node ID 128.  Say I want to transmit a message to Node ID 130.. what would my ID be on the CAN_Tx block?
Why do we put 0x0C at the beginning?
FE30 is the PGN right?
Where does the 3006 come in?

Just trying to get a better understanding of the breakdown of the code.
Thanks everyone.

Offline CShultz

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Re: PVE-CC addressing, communication, documentation
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2013, 11:21:11 PM »
I believe I found my answer..
0x0CFE3006 = 0 = Node 128
0x0CFE3106 = 1 = Node 129
0x0CFE3206 = 2 = Node 130
0x0CFE3F06 = 15 = Node 143
Please let me know if this is correct.
Again, this is for sending my logic in GUIDE to a CAN_Tx block to the PVED.. This address goes to the ID on the CAN_Tx block?