There is not a component, however, you can simply chain together a CAN Rx and a CAN Tx. The Rx, you just need to have the mask all zero'es. Then pass the actual ID to the CAN Tx. Have the Rx Updt bit trigger the Tx bit. I have not tested exactly this, but I think it should work.
There is one small complication.... You will need to have multiple of these chains... The reason is that the CAN Rx block in GUIDE kind of "absorbs" the message. Even with a very fast loop time 1 ms or 5 ms, there will still be several messages than come in each loop. Each one that comes in would need it's own chain (though the chains are generic - just multiple exact copies). Just make sure you have "plenty" of them. How many is plenty? I'm not sure, it depends on many factors, you would just need to test. Also, the "protected" bit on the Rx I believe needs to be set to T.
Let us know if you find success!