Author Topic: Editing dp600 display  (Read 47584 times)

Offline SJ Industries

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Re: Editing dp600 display
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2021, 08:06:57 PM »
There could be anything going on in the program, there is no way to tell. That said I would doubt it. For the weirdness you are seeing I would still be checking wiring. If it checks out with a meter with resistances, start checking voltages, if there is a discrepancy as you say look for other sources of stray voltage. If you have other electrical components on the machine start disconnecting them if you can. Work lights, grease pump solenoids etc are a fantastic source of stray voltage, especially if they are earthed to the chassis and not to a common post with a direct earth cable to the battery.

Offline Ykdave

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Re: Editing dp600 display
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2021, 01:27:31 AM »
Yea figured theirs no way to say if it’s something in the programming

Seems strange to be a wiring issue if the issue consistently goes away by stopping the machine for a few seconds.

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Re: Editing dp600 display
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2021, 04:19:28 AM »
Seems strange to be a wiring issue if the issue consistently goes away by stopping the machine for a few seconds.

Depends on what else in the system turns "on" when the machine starts going again. Other than that it could still be hydraulic issue and nothing to do with ECM. Good times :'(

Offline Ykdave

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Re: Editing dp600 display
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2021, 01:47:34 PM »
As far as I’m aware, nothing else is active when the stick is moved from neutral.  The park brake solenoid is activated by the machine interlock switch

At first I was thinking we had a pump doing weird things which makes sense.  But there are also times where the machine is tracking straight but the overall speed is higher or lower than it should be.  I can see a pump issue causing the turning but for that to happen as well as both pumps over or under stroking the exact same at times, seems pretty unlikely 🤷???

I’m fairly convinced it’s the controller or something in the software until i get some output readings to prove otherwise.