PLUS+1 Hardware > Controllers

DigFeedBack SC050 active without coil connected

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macbahi, why can't DigFeedbak=1 if there is an open load on the pin?

DigFeedback measures the voltage on the output pin, and there should be power there even though there is nothing connected (Open Load) as long as DigOut=1

macbahi also be aware that MFOUT doesn't have OpenLoad on status.

To detect open load on MFOUT you need to make the logic yourself using the FeedBackCurrent signal.


I understand now because Sc050 FeedBackCurrent don't exist in digital output. Please see image.

And SC050 Multfuction doesn't have OpenLoad on status.  Thanks Sir sverreo.

So the problem is was confusion between DigFeedBack and FeedBackCurrent.

So I think only way to test DigfeedBackCurrent is status but number 8 is for open load and over-temperature.

Any way if not other solution I will use status.

Thanks for you help.

With best regard


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