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I/O Modules / Re: IOX012-010 vs IOX012-110
« Last post by Matt_Eng on December 04, 2024, 07:29:35 PM »
I dont expect that communication protocol has changed, so it should work.
However I've only tried swapping between an -010 and -110 with version of the 2.15 of the compliance block, which had some bug fixes and explicit support for the -010 and -110.

I also see a version 2.17 in the update center, so it may be beneficial to update and recompile or at least review the revision history.

I/O Modules / IOX012-010 vs IOX012-110
« Last post by G30RG3 on November 29, 2024, 11:41:21 AM »
Is a recompile with new hardware needed when replacing an (I)/(O)X*-0?? with an (I)/(O)X*-1??
PLUS+1 GUIDE CANKing / Re: link for PLUs+1 Can King software
« Last post by Lukey on November 20, 2024, 01:05:34 AM »
You need to download CAN King from the PLUS+1 Update Center, check the link below, download the update center, then you can access CAN King.
PLUS+1 GUIDE CANKing / link for PLUs+1 Can King software
« Last post by spitla2 on November 19, 2024, 04:21:18 PM »
Hello All:

Could you please share a link for downloading plus+1 can king software.

Thanks !!
Controllers / Re: OutpuMode modification needed
« Last post by Lukey on November 15, 2024, 01:25:02 AM »
It is possible to change the output mode during operation.

I have successfully change between output mode 1 & 2.
This allowed me to drive a PNP and NPN (Sink and Source) wired relays from the 1 output.
That gave me 2 outputs from the 1 output, excellent for controlling a 2 way DCV for example.
Controllers / Re: OutpuMode modification needed
« Last post by macbahi on November 14, 2024, 08:53:32 PM »
Hello again,

It's done compilation without using switch I just put both DigOut and DutyOut not connected.

but I am not sure if this way is safe.

I will give the news soon.

With best regards
Controllers / OutpuMode modification needed
« Last post by macbahi on November 14, 2024, 07:53:58 PM »

In the past I have change InputMode to use 2 mode in the same input and same project.  It's done with help from Sir Matt_Eng and Sir Tor (thanks another time).
You can see my topic link in the end of this message.
But now I want to change the OutputMode.  Because I want to use Output C2P03  one time as Sink Mode 2 and one time as PWM mode 3.   Please is it possible to do that?
My problem is in Output configuration page, Digout must one time connected to False and one time not.  And DutyOut one time connected to 0 (U16) and one time not connected.
Please have you any idea to do that.

Thanks in advance
Controllers / Re: Two PVEs on a single OX24-110 pin
« Last post by Camox on November 14, 2024, 08:45:11 AM »
Thank you for your answers.
Have a nice day!
Controllers / Re: Two PVEs on a single OX24-110 pin
« Last post by Lukey on November 14, 2024, 01:08:08 AM »
PVEA is Ratiometric yes, therefor I would bet Yes it should work fine with two coils on 1 output.

Regarding Active feedback or passive that shouldn't be a concern as is only related to the Fault Output of the PVE to Input of Controller.
Controllers / Re: Two PVEs on a single OX24-110 pin
« Last post by Camox on November 13, 2024, 02:41:35 PM »
We use active PVEA.
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