Author Topic: ECU value out of range  (Read 15245 times)

Offline spittet

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ECU value out of range
« on: October 26, 2015, 06:15:31 PM »
Hi, here's something that bugs me when building/supporting a diagnostic file with multiple ECU.

I have a single diagnostic file that has multiple basic log pages and one basic parameter page.

In the single basic parameter page, I have different parameters from different ECU. In this specific example, my system has a MC024 and a MC050.

Last time I edited and saved the diagnostic file, both ECU were connected to the system. Everything was fine.

My customer wants to add a parameter to the current basic parameter file. I have only the MC050 on hand and I use I power it on to be able to edit the diagnostic file live.

When I open the diagnostic file, PLUS1 Service Tool prompt me that therer is a missing ECU (the MC024) and ask me what to do about it. I select "Skip" at the step "Replace with".

When I open the basic parameter page, all the parameters related to the MC024 are unavailable. The point of this whole thread is that when this happens, the min and max values in the basic parameter page are all set to 0 for the missing ECU parameters.

If I save it this way and send the diagnostic file to my customer, he won't be able to edit the parameters related to the MC024 because the min and max are 0 and any input from the user in the "Edit" column will be rejected.

I would suggest that if there is a missing ECU, keep the actual min and max values. Do not change them to 0 automatically.

Is there another workaway around this in the mean time? I can't have all the possible combination of Danfoss controllers just to be able to edit/save a diagnostic file for my customer.

I will try with loading the .PLG file of each ECU before editing the diagnostic file, but I feel it's a waste of time.

Let discuss!


Offline Andy

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Re: ECU value out of range
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2015, 07:54:01 AM »

When I try the same thing in 7.2.9, I don't get the behavior you describe. Which version of the Service Tool are you using? It might be a defect that has been resolved.

Anyway, if you open the P1D in offline mode, the signals for the missing ECU should be available in the signal list.


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Re: ECU value out of range
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2015, 08:39:08 AM »
you can go Offline mode and in Design. You can install Diagnostic data and then you add a new ECU in the list associating the previous diagnostic data.
In this way you don't need of controllers to edit Diagnostic file. I think in help guide is described, you can try to search it.

Offline spittet

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Re: ECU value out of range
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2015, 04:54:27 PM »
I'm using Service Tool

I think the solution is to design offline by installing Diagnostic Data and adding the required ECUs.

But I still think that the min and max values of a parameter in a parameter basic page shouldn't change to zero if these parameters are from a missing ECU when online design.

Thanks for your comments.
