Author Topic: Different Power Supply Voltages on Controllers and Expansion Modules  (Read 12235 times)

Offline LouisGroen

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Hi All,

I have an application where I'm using a MC050, along with an IX024 and an OX012. The vehicle  that this needs to be fitted on, has sensors and solenoids requiring 12V and sensors requiring 24V. My idea is to dedicate the OX012 output module to supply the 24V solenoids by using a step up converter or transformer to power this output module only, while the rest is still being powered by the 12V supply.

My question is whether this has been done before, and if so, whether anyone has some advice on what the best way to do this would be, and I'd also like to know whether an input signal being 12V on the MC050 would be able to switch a 24V output signal on the output module? Essentially, would merely changing the supply to this dedicate output module work for this application?

Any help would be appreciated.

Fluid Power Engineer
Groentech Systems

Offline FluidPowerTom

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Re: Different Power Supply Voltages on Controllers and Expansion Modules
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2020, 05:52:52 PM »
I haven't actually done this before that I recall, but I see no reason that it wouldn't work.  I see no reason why the CAN communication between the controller and expansion modules would be effected by supply voltage as long as both units are powered on.

As far as digital input signals go the default for the controllers, I believe, is to consider the input 'ON' when it receives 3 V, so receiving a 12 V input signal will be fine regardless of whether the controller is powered by 12 V or 24 V.  The output voltage from a digital output will be equal to the modules supply voltage, so if the output module is powered by 24 V then the output will be 24 V.
Controls Engineer
Hydra-Power Systems

Offline Marbek_Elektronik

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Re: Different Power Supply Voltages on Controllers and Expansion Modules
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2020, 08:03:24 AM »
Can you please post the schematic?
Marbek Elektronik, Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Konrad
Dienstleistung, Entwicklung, Herstellung

Offline tronelec

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Hello, I have done it, you must connect both 12 volt and 24 volt source negatives so that the signal references do not give a problem (google translate)