Author Topic: DM1000 Issue - Application Example  (Read 14346 times)

Offline Challenger

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DM1000 Issue - Application Example
« on: May 25, 2021, 03:44:52 PM »
Hello everyone,

We purchased the DM1000 (11223965) for the company that I work for, but we never use it before (only the DM430E/DP700).
I downloaded on the UpdateCenter the training program for the DM1X00 to see what we can do with it (and learn more about how it works).
So I dowloaded the folder (I found it here : C:\Users\*name_of_the_user*\AppData\Roaming\Danfoss\PLUS1\UpdateCenter\Downloads\DM1000 Application
When I tried to open the Plus+1 file, I had an error that 70312392v247.sys file was missing. I copied/pasted the entire folder in the Temp1 folder (here : C:\Users\*name_of_the_user*\AppData\Local\Temp\Temp1_DM1000 Application Now I can open it and even compile it without issue with Plus+1 GUIDE 12.2.10.

Unfornatunately, I open the Plus+1 Download file in the ServiceTool 12.2.10, I start the download and 1 error message appears : "The selected file use a different OS (70312392v247) than
the current application (70312392v245)". I start to download, but it took 3hours to download the file into my DM100, and I got an error at the end that tells me that the OS is different so it can not work.

I replaced the HWD file to the DM1000 70312392v245 version, now it takes few minutes to compile and few minutes to be downloaded to the DM1000. However, I had to modify few entries types (S32 to U32 for example, or U32 to U16). Once finished, pretty much nothing is displayed on my screen.. no icons, no text, no values, just a gauge in the middle and buttons on the right. I expected to see widgets and stuff to show what we can do with that screen but no way.. It is like I have the skeletons of the main screen, but nothing else, as if the program does not have access to all the icons, pdf, images, text etc included in the file.

Anyone as an idea ?

Thank you and Best regards to all

Offline Tor

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Re: DM1000 Issue - Application Example
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2021, 11:17:29 AM »

Sorry you had some dificulties getting the display up and running. But you got there in the end.

I have not used the application example, only watched the YouTube video, so I'm not sure how it should look.
But as you explained it it sounds correct, you have to push the buttons (touchscreen) to move around in the application.
This application was created to show how the application can work, not much work on the look of it.

Good Luck
Best regards,

Offline Challenger

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Re: DM1000 Issue - Application Example
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2021, 02:54:13 PM »
Thanks, at the end I removed this example, it simply does not work well.
Let's doing the old school way !  ;)