Author Topic: Debug issues in Guide Version 12.2.10 - using shortcuts instead  (Read 15692 times)

Offline K_Bowen

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The tool bar only has the debug start button, all other buttons are missing (not in a pull down like the compile choices and not in the compile menu).

When debug is started (from toolbar or compile menu), the screen jumps, nearly all the toolbars disappear, and all the commands in the menus go gray except for a few.  Debug stop, pause, step, etc. are no where to be found!  Additionally, you cannot add breakpoints.

The work around that I found is to use shortcuts however I ended up adding custom shortcuts for pause and debug visualizer functions.

Hope this helps someone out there!

The Newbie

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Re: Debug issues in Guide Version 12.2.10 - using shortcuts instead
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2021, 09:36:44 AM »
I tested here with 12.2.10 and the debug toolbar (run, stop, pause, step, etc.) is displayed once the debugger starts.  The toolbar that is as of V12.2 forced down the left side (with no way to control if it is hidden or visible) disappears so as you say the only way to add break points is to use the keyboard shortcut Q as this toolbar contains the Query/Change button.

It appears that there is no option to control of the visibility of the Debug toolbar as of V12.2 so if it is missing I am not sure how you can bring it back. Along the bottom towards the right side there is a dropdown for Active Layout, you could try changing this if there are other options available.

Personally I'm disappointed with the direction that the UI is going. IMHO it is not good to force change when the changes don't bring any real benefit, it is just different. For me having used Guide for several years it makes my user experience worse. I would like to see more customisation added rather then taken away so that each user could position and show/hide the toolbars, customise colours, etc. to best suit their work flow and needs.

Offline Tor

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Re: Debug issues in Guide Version 12.2.10 - using shortcuts instead
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2021, 09:40:33 AM »
Hi Karen,

The compile button can be hidden. There is a "border button" that you can click and select what you want to show in the toolbar.
See image "Compile" on how to activate it.

When it comes to the debugger tool it seems to be a little "glitch".
If you select the default, even though it is selected, they show up. At least they did for me. The default choice is in the bottom right in the Debugger tool. see image "Default".
It seems to remember this the next time you use the tool, so the buttons should be there.
I will report this as a bug.

I hope it helped.

Have a nice day.
Best regards,

Offline K_Bowen

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Re: Debug issues in Guide Version 12.2.10 - using shortcuts instead
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2021, 06:11:13 PM »
Hi Tor,

Thanks, I now have the debug toolbar appearing after I select the debug button from the normal/default screen.

I would say that getting the debug toolbar to appear is not very intuitive and is different from the method for other toolbars (select from the view/toolbars list).  Even now, the debugger toolbar doesn't appear in any toolbar list.

Adding a statement, step by step instructions or anything about this to the eLearning and the manuals would have saved me lots of time and frustration yesterday.  I'm so glad I decided to start the eLearning early!

Best Regards,