Author Topic: Loss of "Enable" property in Define Area when Save As new project  (Read 9106 times)

Offline spittet

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I've found an annoying problem in the Plus1 Guide software.

Let's say that I have a project using a DP250 and I'm using the Define Area block to create the screen areas for some menus/pages in the display. There are a lot of different areas in the same Define Area block. All the individual areas has an "Enable" property that is triggered to true using a signal.

When I'm doing a "Save Project As", when I open the new created project, it has lost all the Enable property (all the signals are lost) for all the individuals areas in the Define Area block.

This is annoying because I need to re-assign all the signals to the corresponding areas and I feel like wasting my time. Am I doing somwthing wrong? Can we qualify this as a bug that need a fix?



Offline Daniel

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Re: Loss of "Enable" property in Define Area when Save As new project
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2013, 09:31:08 AM »
Hi spittet

Can you please send your project file (.P1P) to together with a detailed explanation, then we will try to reproduce it and see if there is a bug to be fixed.


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