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Controllers / Re: Two PVEs on a single OX24-110 pin
« Last post by Lukey on Today at 01:08:08 AM »
PVEA is Ratiometric yes, therefor I would bet Yes it should work fine with two coils on 1 output.

Regarding Active feedback or passive that shouldn't be a concern as is only related to the Fault Output of the PVE to Input of Controller.
Controllers / Re: Two PVEs on a single OX24-110 pin
« Last post by Camox on November 13, 2024, 02:41:35 PM »
We use active PVEA.
Controllers / Re: Two PVEs on a single OX24-110 pin
« Last post by Lukey on November 13, 2024, 02:08:18 PM »
PVE Ratiometric coils?
I have not physically tried it but in theory it should work just fine, the output from the expansion module is only a reference voltage to the coil/s, there is no load, there shouldn't be an issue.
Controllers / Two PVEs on a single OX24-110 pin
« Last post by Camox on November 13, 2024, 12:16:08 PM »
We need to add functionality to a second-hand machine equipped with an OX24-110 module.
The number of outputs available to control a PVE coil is insufficient.
I'd like to know if it's possible to control two PVE coils simultaneously with a single output. Have you ever done this?

Thanks in advance.
PLUS+1 GUIDE / Re: Project .p1x not found in folder
« Last post by dlewis on November 07, 2024, 02:41:59 PM »
So far 2024.3.5 works fine.
Displays / Re: DM430E flashing issue
« Last post by george on November 06, 2024, 04:39:34 PM »
Thank you sverreo for your suggestion. It helped to re-flash the display.
I didn't realise I need to add a third node on the system in order to complete the flash sequence as per Screenshot_4.png.

I added a second PEAK hardware with a different device ID and it allowed me to complete the flashing.

I will write a detailed instruction later for the benefit of others.
Displays / Re: DM430E flashing issue
« Last post by sverreo on November 06, 2024, 09:40:41 AM »
You can reach out to the helpdesk if you have any issues:

Make sure you only have 1 display connected with the same Node ID. If you have more than 1 unit with the same Node ID connected you can get this error.

Also make sure you have the CAN terminated properly with 120ohm in both ends of the bus.
PLUS+1 GUIDE / Re: Project .p1x not found in folder
« Last post by Tor on November 06, 2024, 07:53:27 AM »
Hello all,

The new version with the fix for this problem is uploaded to the PLUS+1 Update Center, version 2024.3.5.
To download/see this version you need to update the Update Center as well.

Have a nice day.
Displays / Re: DM430E - Bricked
« Last post by Lukey on November 06, 2024, 01:00:14 AM »
G30RG3 maybe be right.

The default baud rate is 250kbps, possibly if the display has gone into bootloader and reset, its rate is now 250kbps.

Have you tired to recover the ECU? this will get it back to a state where you can download/flash a new lhx file.
Read page 36 onwards of the PLUS+1® Service Tool User Manual
Displays / Re: DM430E - Bricked
« Last post by G30RG3 on November 05, 2024, 06:00:05 PM »
Are you sure you're on the right baud rate? You won't be able to communicate if your screen has switched to 125k, 250k, or 1M with a gateway set to 500k.
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