Author Topic: DP600 SIMULATOR  (Read 17076 times)

Offline zwerver

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« on: March 18, 2016, 06:10:37 AM »
Somehow my test display gives a error while uploading the program.
Cannot trace the error number because now I can not find the ECU at all.
The connector works on other components, and the screen is blinking. :(

Now to continue my project I though to use the simulator. It worked fine in Version 5. Back in the days.

Today having version 8 I can not find the simulator, can not find the software on the Danfoss site, nor information in when I google it in Bing. Nor can I find a reference that the simulator is discontinued. Looked al the help files for the word "Simulator"   - Nothing  ??? ???

In advance I agree that it must be me. Please Help.

If it is possible to run the simulator, please how or where to download the program

Regard L808

Offline Nilla

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« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2016, 11:20:29 AM »

I'm sorry to say that the Static Simulator (which is only available for DP600 and DP610) is only included in the installation package for PLUS+1 GUIDE until version 6.1.7. But you can still use the specific simulator-HWD (ver 10107094v100) in version 8. Do you have that one? If you do you could use this HWD to generate the .p1s-file using version 8 and then open it in the Static Simulator.

At the moment there are no plans for making this available for any later versions of PLUS+1 GUIDE nor any more display models.

If you experience any more issues with your program please don't hesitate to contact PLUS+1 Helpdesk at!

Best regards!

PLUS+1® Helpdesk

Offline pinias

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« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2016, 01:43:13 AM »
For some reason that is common thing while dowloading the firmaware to the DP6XX series.

I have that issue few times, you just have to try it again and it should work.

if you are interfacing with the White lead at the back of the DP6XX and it does not fix the issue then try by using the CG150 and that should

correction it may have happened to you with the CG150, so you should try with the USB lead for the Display and that should work.

Also try it by disconnecting all other hardware from the CAN BUS.. so far either way have worked for me.

I think I have posted somethign about but do not remember what the Danfoss guys said.

Hope this helps

Offline Nilla

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« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2016, 03:21:01 PM »
Hi Pinias!

I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing recurring issues with downloading firmware to the DP6xx series. One tip is to make sure you're using the latest HWD for your display. If you have more issues please don't hesitate to contact us at PLUS+1 Helpdesk at!

Best regards!
PLUS+1® Helpdesk