Author Topic: copy display text and graphic from one program to another with DP610TM ?  (Read 14850 times)

Offline Marbek_Elektronik

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Is it possible to copy (vector graphic) display from one program to another?

In classic editor it doesn't work.
Marbek Elektronik, Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Konrad
Dienstleistung, Entwicklung, Herstellung

Offline Sergio-DEK

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Re: copy display text and graphic from one program to another with DP610TM ?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2015, 03:16:04 PM »
Yes, of course.

1. In the original project, if the vector graphic was imported as an image (*.svg file), just open the project with GUIDE to unpack it, then open windows explorer and navigate to the project folder location to copy the original image (.svg). Now, open a new project with GUIDE. Open the new screen definition with Screen Editor, select image to add an image and point it to the previously copied picture.

2. If you need to copy the whole screen, use the export function in GUIDE. In the "Project manager" window, under "Screen Definitions" select the screen and right-click to select "Export screen definitions".
To import, open a new project and right-click on the "Screen definitions" folder and select "Import screen definitions" and  point it to the exported file.

Best regards,

Sergio Kosic
DEK electronics

Offline Marbek_Elektronik

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Re: copy display text and graphic from one program to another with DP610TM ?
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2015, 12:33:03 PM »
OK, thanks.
But I have just seen, the DP610TM is only for classic screen editor :-(
It seems for me, only DP700 and DP570 are to use with vector graphc ?

Marbek Elektronik, Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Konrad
Dienstleistung, Entwicklung, Herstellung

Offline Sergio-DEK

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Re: copy display text and graphic from one program to another with DP610TM ?
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2015, 09:19:48 AM »
Interestingly enough, it is not listed anywhere on the Danfoss site or documentation, so I can only tell you from my own experience:
- DP7xx series display screens are developed with vector screen editor
- DP6xx series display screens are developed with classic screen editor

The only way to find out for the rest is to start a new dummy project, just to edit the first screen and see.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2015, 09:25:25 AM by Sergio-DEK »
Sergio Kosic
DEK electronics