I've got an application that's going to require reading a sensor signal as often as 3.0ms. I've never had an application that really needed faster than about 10ms scan time. My plan is to grab a controller, put a minor program onto it with just some input scaling and CAN transmitting functions, and then run it for a while. I know ExecTime is a rounded integer, so I guess I'll just watch LoopCnt and ETime to calculate the actual execution/scan time.
My question is... has anyone done this and been able to see 3.0ms or less on a MC? I know the new autonomy controller is supposed to be able to do 1ms, but I've never heard of a MC confirmed running a program at 3.0ms or less.
EDIT: This question might have been better suited for the software discussion, but it seems like it could also be a hardware topic since we're really talking about the processor.