Author Topic: Joystick JS7000 (CANopen)  (Read 13755 times)


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Joystick JS7000 (CANopen)
« on: April 12, 2013, 09:35:32 AM »

I have got questions about joystick JS7000.
It works on NODE iD = 10 and baudrate = 250kbps

The problem is that joystick does not transmit frames about his axis X and Y and buttons itself.
But, when I transmit a command directly to joystick to force it, he starts transmit.

My commands:
60A 8 40 01 64 01 00 00 00 00 – cyclic 10ms (force respond from axis X)
60A 8 40 01 64 02 00 00 00 00 – cyclic 10ms (force respond from axis Y)
60A 8 40 00 60 02 00 00 00 00 – cyclic 10ms (force respond from buttons)

In my opinion it looks like the joystick needs an event to transmit his data.

Maybe there is a command which can change this behavior from event to cyclic sending.

Is there a command to set default settings, maybe hard reset?