This is a very interesting discussion that I will keep an eye on.
When I worked as a developer we used Tortoise SVN as a version control software. I have never used any other version control software so I'm not able to say if it's good or not, but it worked fine for me.
The biggest problem with Version control is PLUS+1 GUIDE and the graphical drawings, the SCS file. This file can't be merged, as far as I know, during development. So be careful if you are more than one developer on a project.
I use the project viewer, included in the functional safety add on for GUIDE, and only check in the important unpacked files into the version control software. The red square (see image) shows what files is needed for the project to open. These files differ depending on what hardware you are using. And maybe I check in the LHX file as well. In SVN you can lock the project when you are working on it, so no one else do changes on the SCS file at the same time.
Have a nice day.