PLUS+1 Hardware > Controllers

MC018 C1p11 error 23 and 665


Hi Guys,

It's my first time I use MC018. I will use all output. Every think it's OK.
All setting output are the same way.
But when I compile the program, I get error only for C1P11.
You find enclosed the pictures of errors

I had update my plus+1 to 2024.1.5.

Thanks in advance

With best regards
Mac bahi

It looks like nothing is connected to the DigOut component based on the error.
I would use command "V" to view the connection and verify you have something driving it.

I would bet this is a copy paste error where you forgot to change the name somewhere to correlate to this pin.

Hello Fitz

Thank you very much to answer me.
The error it's was feedback but plus+1 compiler show other thinks.
Since I installed the last version the compilation it's not as before.

Any way thanks sir.

With best regards
mac bahi


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