PLUS+1 Hardware > I/O Modules

IOX012-010 vs IOX012-110


Is a recompile with new hardware needed when replacing an (I)/(O)X*-0?? with an (I)/(O)X*-1??

I dont expect that communication protocol has changed, so it should work.
However I've only tried swapping between an -010 and -110 with version of the 2.15 of the compliance block, which had some bug fixes and explicit support for the -010 and -110.

I also see a version 2.17 in the update center, so it may be beneficial to update and recompile or at least review the revision history.


I'm not the programmer, I just need to offer a replacement IOX. I expect the software to be ancient because the other hardware components(screen and ยต-CTRL) are both obsoleted a few years ago. 
The remaining value of the machine is low, so reprogramming and replacing all hardware is too expensive.


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