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Controllers / Re: SC024 problem Can
« Last post by G30RG3 on September 25, 2024, 01:25:35 PM »
There could be a hardware failure, or maybe the baudrate has been changed, the CAN high and CAN low are switched...  I would check with a scope to see what the signal looks like.
Displays / Re: QT in Guide
« Last post by Sergio-DEK on September 25, 2024, 09:56:28 AM »
Controllers too, I'm afraid. Because there's no decent ST editor, among other disadvantages.
Controllers / Re: SC024 problem Can
« Last post by acmall on September 25, 2024, 08:55:41 AM »
From what you describe it sounds like a problem with the unit. Assuming the function of the LED's has not been changed in the program is the green LED on? Is the red LED flashing? By default, if they have not been altered in the program, the green LED is on when the controller is running and the red LED will flash if a CAN fault is detected.

It may be a long shot but you could try recovering the controller. The option is Recover ECU in the Service Tool System menu.
General controls / Full MA
« Last post by woodyrad1 on September 24, 2024, 08:08:51 PM »
Hi all I'm new here and hope to learn
What would cause the EDC to go full voltage in one direction but stays in neutral in other? Short to ground ? Is controlled by FNR box and pedal with 2 potentiometers
Controllers / Re: SC024 problem Can
« Last post by macbahi on September 24, 2024, 03:46:11 PM »
Hello Samuel,

Sorry to be late to answer you. I was in vacancy.  Thank very much for replay.

To be brief, the module in question was functional and was with one of our clients.
now using my test bench I am not able to connect with my CG150.  I also inform you that I am able to connect with another module on the same test bench.  So I think the problem  is not program or CG150 or the connection but it's really something else that I don't know.

When this module is connected I can not scan system. Here is my service tools image.
With the new SC024 is ok but when I use old SC024 is no scan system.

Thanks in advance for your help

With best regards

Displays / Re: QT in Guide
« Last post by acmall on September 23, 2024, 08:59:29 AM »

Thank you for the update.

Is there any timeline for new screen editor features in Guide? Competing products have included easy to implement UI capabilities like list boxes, combo boxes, graphing, drawing primitives, etc. for many years. I know of a few companies that have moved away from Danfoss displays due to this and as much as I would prefer to stay with Danfoss we have now started to do the same. We have also found that the competitors displays are considerably cheaper, especially in the larger sizes, so it is a double hit for the Danfoss displays.
Displays / Re: QT in Guide
« Last post by Camox on September 18, 2024, 08:22:41 AM »
Thanks for this response.
Have a nice day
Displays / Re: QT in Guide
« Last post by Stefan on September 17, 2024, 02:14:58 PM »
Hello acmall and Camox,

Danfoss will continue to develop the Screen Editor in GUIDE.

A display with only Qt are in the plans.

A short description of Qt in GUIDE when it's released:

You need a version of DM700, DM1000 or DM1200 that supports Qt.

All the above hardware will get a new HWD version that supports Qt.

The display design are made in Qt, from Qt you export that design as a file that you use in your GUIDE compilation.

Have a nice day!
Displays / Re: Export image library for old project
« Last post by Tor on September 13, 2024, 08:21:47 AM »

There is also a video on the YouTube channel that explains "Migration from Classic to VBSE", maybe you can find the solution there?
If not, please contact the PLUS+1 Helpdesk:

Have a nice day.
Displays / Re: Export image library for old project
« Last post by Camox on September 12, 2024, 08:07:10 AM »
Is it possible to find a solution?
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