Author Topic: MC024-118 & Real Time Clock  (Read 10105 times)

Offline LouisGroen

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MC024-118 & Real Time Clock
« on: March 24, 2020, 04:03:02 PM »
Hi all,

I'm fairly new to Plus 1 but have learnt a few things over the last couple of months. I have an issue with a MC024-118 Controller which I am hoping someone could share some light on..

I require this controller to record data, IE data logging, which I've managed to get to a point that I am happy with, but the issue is that I need a time and date stamp related to each item logged. I came across an earlier post which helped a lot in terms of using the loop count function to count the seconds, minutes, hours and so on, but this does solve the issue of the time getting lost when the controller is switched off. For an hour meter, I can store the last known value and then continue when the vehicle is powered up, but can this MC024-118 even track the time and date when powered off, and if so, any advice on how to do so?

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Groentech Systems

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Re: MC024-118 & Real Time Clock
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2020, 04:43:09 PM »
I see that the MC024-118 is a special extended memory controller.  I wasn't sure if perhaps it was a special controller that they'd put a real time clock into, but that doesn't look like it's the case. 

No, there's 100% no way that this controller can track the time and date with it powered off if it doesn't contain a real-time clock (with battery backup).  You'll need to incorporate a device into your system that has a real time clock such as a display.  We do timestamped data logging pretty often with (non-Danfoss) displays, but I probably shouldn't post too much details about such hardware.  Feel free to pm me if you have questions on that.
Controls Engineer
Hydra-Power Systems