Author Topic: Flashing Kvaser firmware onto the CG150-2 dongle  (Read 22788 times)

Offline gregb

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Flashing Kvaser firmware onto the CG150-2 dongle
« on: September 17, 2019, 12:05:20 AM »
Hi all,
I am working on a school project with a Danfoss ECU and joystick, with a CG150-2 for PC communication. It was my understanding that The CG150-2 is simply a Kvaser leaf light HS v2 but with custom (and very old) firmware. Kvaser dongles are very well supported in most CAN PC programs, and we have a CAN device on our network that can be programmed with a kvaser dongle or a PEAK dongle. Since the CG150-2 does not appear to the PC as a kvaser dongle, we cannot program our other CAN device.

I've noticed that the USB PID for the CG150-2 is missing from the Kvaser driver's .inf file, and if I add that PID to the file and install the driver (without driver enforcement enabled), it will work for the most part (but since the danfoss firmware is from ~2011, it does not work 100% and of course, its a hack).

I was wondering if I could use the filo_flash.exe program to flash the CG150-2 with the newest Kvaser firmware. I opened the .img firmware files in a hex editor that are included in the Danfoss update tool and the Kvaser update tool. Both update packages appear to have the same filo_flash.exe tools, and the .img firmware files appear to have the similar structure. (This is where I discovered the build dates for the firmwares; 2011 for the danfoss firmware and 2019 for the kvaser firmware).
Is the Danfoss/Kvaser hardware built to prevent bricking on firmware updates?

Is there a solution here to make the CG150-2 dongle more useful across other programs without hacking drivers or installing "unsupported" firmware? All we want to do is use the dongle with Kvaser programs and not have to buy another dongle with the same hardware.



Offline Nilla

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Re: Flashing Kvaser firmware onto the CG150-2 dongle
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2019, 03:38:36 PM »
Hi Greg!

"Is the Danfoss/Kvaser hardware built to prevent bricking on firmware updates?"

Yes it is. I don't think you will be successful in your mentioned "solution".

PLUS+1 Service tool supports any third party gateway that supports RP1210A/B which you can read more about on page 10 in the PLUS+1 Service tool User manual;

The PLUS+1® Service Tool supports the generic communication standards RP1210B & RP1210A for any compliant third party gateway. These recommended practice standards were written by the Technology and Maintenance Council (TMC).
- RP1210B gateways may not support all baudrates that the built-in gateways support.
      ? RP1210B gateways can be used if they support the generic CAN protocol.
- RP1210A gateways only supports baudrates equal to 250k.
  RP1210A gateways can be used if they:
      ? Support the generic CAN protocol
      ? Support blocking calls
      ? Use the same endianness (byte order) for CAN messages as RP1210B

-Activate RP1210 gateways by selecting the appropriate DeviceID in the submenu under the gateway submenu. All possible device IDs will be listed for selection. Devices do not need to be connected to the computer to be listed.

Best regards
PLUS+1 Helpdesk team

Offline gregb

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Re: Flashing Kvaser firmware onto the CG150-2 dongle
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2019, 11:19:47 PM »
Hi Nilla,

I don't think you will be successful in your mentioned "solution".
What are the reasons you think this would not be a successful solution? The filo_flash utility has a parameter for choosing the .img file to flash. Are there any checks done that prevent non-danfoss firmware from being loaded?

With regards to the RP1210 communication, are we able to use the service tool with a Kvaser Dongle? On page 9 of the Service tool manual, it looks like Kvaser is an option in the Gateway menu.

Offline Nilla

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Re: Flashing Kvaser firmware onto the CG150-2 dongle
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2019, 10:03:50 AM »
Hi Greg!

My reasons are that the CG150-2 is built to prevent bricking.

You are able to use any third party gateway as long as it supports what's stated in the PLUS+1 Service tool User manual, which I referred to below.

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PLUS+1 Helpdesk team

Offline acmall

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Re: Flashing Kvaser firmware onto the CG150-2 dongle
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2019, 11:13:40 AM »
Does the CG150-2 have any functionality that is not available when using a third party interface like the Kvaser?

Offline Nilla

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Re: Flashing Kvaser firmware onto the CG150-2 dongle
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2019, 01:38:36 PM »
Hi Acmall!


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PLUS+1 Helpdesk team

Offline FluidPowerTom

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Re: Flashing Kvaser firmware onto the CG150-2 dongle
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2019, 06:06:28 PM »
Actually, for the Danfoss WS telematics I believe you do have to use a CG-150, so a standard Kvaser unit won't work.  At least that was my experience some year or so ago, and I'm not sure if that changed.
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Hydra-Power Systems