Author Topic: Multiple Computer connections via WIFI With Service tool  (Read 13978 times)

Offline Mike AA

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Multiple Computer connections via WIFI With Service tool
« on: September 03, 2024, 07:02:08 PM »
I have a Trencher that is curerently being monitored nearby with a laptop for QC. Essentially they are watching what 6 different sensors are reading. If I want to pull a machine log or monitor more items not shows on the other laptop on my programming laptop I get an error about multiple connections and must put the other laptop in offline mode. This machine has 2 DS1200 with WiFi, I don't recall if it was giving me the error if I connected to the separate displays but I feel it was a CANBUS network error kinda thing.

Has anyone else tried to connect to a Plus+1 component using two different connections? I will try again here in a moment to see what the error it throws is and give more info.

I like pushing the limits of this hardware and software.
