Author Topic: PLUS+1® Tools Patch 9.0.8 released!  (Read 12920 times)

Offline Nilla

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PLUS+1® Tools Patch 9.0.8 released!
« on: January 04, 2017, 08:24:05 AM »
Dear PLUS+1® Users!

Danfoss can proudly announce that version 9.0.8 of the PLUS+1® Software tools now are available for download at our website:

For full list of fixes, please read the Readme/Release notes.

This patch will solve the bug that was found in Service tool v9.0.7, trying to perform a download of parameters or downloading a .P1T or .XML file which fails with different error codes; E204: No answer from ECU or E223: Unable to write parameter to ECU. You can find a recent post on this here;

Please do not hesitate to contact PLUS+1® Helpdesk at if you have any questions about PLUS+1® Software tools!

Best regards
PLUS+1® Helpdesk team