Author Topic: Fault Manager Library released!  (Read 12693 times)

Offline Nilla

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Fault Manager Library released!
« on: August 05, 2019, 11:54:44 AM »
We are happy to announce the release of our first Fault Manager Library!

The Fault Manager library is a modular system for tracking and displaying errors when they occur in an application. The Fault Manager allows you to design and develop fault management functions for machine applications in an simple, iterative manner. Your input to a macro-enabled spreadsheet is used to generate all of the PLUS+1® GUIDE interface files that are needed to monitor each connected, potential fault source in a machine. The Fault Manager also generates an interface file for service tool screens, making it easy to display current faults, as well as the history of previous faults and how often they occur. A J1939 DM1/2 Interface block is included in the library for interfacing between the Fault Manager and J1939 library components. To add fault management features to an application, drag the desired components onto the GUIDE canvas and make a simple connection. The assembled Fault Management system is limited only by the memory available in the controller. The Fault Manager Standard option can handle up to 3375 individual faults, including faults of the Fault Manager itself.

You can download the library itself by using PLUS+1 Update center. You will find it under Content -> Library -> Fault Manager Library 70399171. After installing the library in PLUS+1 GUIDE you will find more detailed information in the User Manual included in the installation.


Best regards
PLUS+1 Helpdesk team