PLUS+1 Software > Code sharing

Read Array from Application Log & Write Array to File


I have tried to use the Read_Applog and Write_USB blocks although these are limited to a length of ARRAY[125]U8 (125 Characters) for each line of the Applog, anything greater and the Applog line is truncated on conversion.

My Applog line are longer than 125 characters and I would like to rename the Applog csv file to a custom STRING/TL that the operator inputs from the Display (DM1200T), I have attempted to use the 'manual' blocks Read Array from Application Log & Write Array to File but have been unsuccessfully.

The blocks will accept greater than 125 characters but I cannot get the Write Array to File block to write more than 1, sometimes 2 lines of the Applog.

I seem to be missing the connection that tells the Write Array to File block to start another line in the csv file.

Does anyone have a working example of the Read Array from Application Log & Write Array to File that is writing more than 1 Applog line to csv.


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