Hi acmall,
Change of behavior downloading parameters:
I believe that this is changed due to that you wouldn't like to download parameters by mistake. This can be dangerous.
Whole page redrawing when downloading parameters:
I haven't seen this, but is this something you see in all your service tool pages and all you GUIDE projects? I have not been working with large Service Tool projects in a while.
Parameters being downloaded twice when using the F4 key:
Me and a colleague tried this, and we didn't see it downloaded twice? I'm not really sure how you can tell that it's downloaded twice? Are you able to record a small film or screen shots so we can see what you mean?
Cannot type a decimal point in a parameter:
This is most certain a bug!
If you have the multiplier set, and press enter, you get the decimal. Then you can alter the value before and after the decimal sign. But if you delete the decimal sign, you are not able to add it again by yourself by pressing the decimal on the keyboard.
I hope I understood it correct, even if my explanation is a bit fuzzy. I will add this as a bug to the developers.
Thanks for letting us know.
Have a nice day.