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PLUS+1 GUIDE / Translating text definitions on a CSV file
« Last post by gregbosma on September 05, 2024, 02:04:40 PM »
Hello everyone! I need to translate all of the text on my display. I've exported text data, sent the .csv file to a translator, and got the translations. Now I'm having trouble adding the translations to the .csv and importing back into GUIDE.

What is the best way to add a bulk amount of translations to a Plus+1 program?
Displays / Re: QT in Guide
« Last post by Camox on September 05, 2024, 01:20:11 PM »
@acmall Thanks for your answer.
I'm also wondering about the partnership with QT.
What features will be provided? Will it only concern the design part for screens?
I hope we'll get some answers.
Displays / Re: QT in Guide
« Last post by Tor on September 05, 2024, 10:57:54 AM »
Hello acmall,

I have reached out to the responsible persons regarding your question and I'll post here as soon as I get a response.

Have a nice day.
Displays / Re: Export image library for old project
« Last post by Camox on September 04, 2024, 09:55:47 AM »
Thanks you for your response.
In video, the function used is "Export Screen Definitions". But this function is unavailable in old project.

Am I wrong?
Displays / QT in Guide
« Last post by acmall on September 04, 2024, 09:04:02 AM »
@Tor mentioned QT in another thread so wanted to ask is this how Danfoss is planning to add screen functionality that has been requested for many years and catching up with what is available in other well known programming systems or do they have plans to offer Guide native solutions to improve the screen functionality?

I am not familiar with QT but looking at the website it requires a €2140 per year subscription.
Displays / Re: Export image library for old project
« Last post by Tor on September 04, 2024, 08:03:38 AM »
Hello Camox,

I'm sorry, there is no easy "Export Images" as for the texts.

This YouTube video might give you some hints on the workflow to transfer display projects from one display to another.

With the introduction of QT in PLUS+1, transfer display project will probably be easier in the future.

Have a nice day.
Communication / Multiple Computer connections via WIFI With Service tool
« Last post by Mike AA on September 03, 2024, 07:02:08 PM »
I have a Trencher that is curerently being monitored nearby with a laptop for QC. Essentially they are watching what 6 different sensors are reading. If I want to pull a machine log or monitor more items not shows on the other laptop on my programming laptop I get an error about multiple connections and must put the other laptop in offline mode. This machine has 2 DS1200 with WiFi, I don't recall if it was giving me the error if I connected to the separate displays but I feel it was a CANBUS network error kinda thing.

Has anyone else tried to connect to a Plus+1 component using two different connections? I will try again here in a moment to see what the error it throws is and give more info.

I like pushing the limits of this hardware and software.

Displays / Export image library for old project
« Last post by Camox on September 03, 2024, 04:44:12 PM »
I'm in the process of reworking an old DP600 screen project.
When I copy my screen definitions, the image and text libraries are not copied.
I have found a way to export the text definitions from my old project and import them into my new project.
But I can't do it for the images. There are no import and export methods available for images and pasting images doesn't work.

Do you have a solution?

Thanks in advance
Hello mfor,

This error seems to appear when a WMI repository file within Windows is corrupted.
This should be a situation where onsite IT personnel should have the knowledge to reobtain this file.
There have been multiple confirmations from customers that their IT department was able to restore/rebuild the WMI repository and everything was working again.

I'm sorry, but this is all information I have.

Have a nice day.
Hello All,

I recently installed Update Center to install Plus+1, but anytime I try to start it, I get a Command Prompt popup that briefly states, "Exception EOleException in module P1UpdateCenter.exe at 00114BAB. Invalid class.", then disappears.

Are there any fixes for this? Thank you for your time.
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