Author Topic: New release - PLUS+1 Tools 8.1!  (Read 16491 times)


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New release - PLUS+1 Tools 8.1!
« on: June 27, 2016, 02:50:13 PM »
Dear PLUS+1® Users!
Danfoss Power Solutions is proud to announce the release of PLUS+1 GUIDE and PLUS+1 Service Tool version 8.1!

Determined to make PLUS+1 GUIDE and Service Tool the #1 systems development tools for mobile hydraulic machinery, our PLUS+1 Platform Development Team is driven to help you bring more-advanced, higher-performing, and better-quality machines to market even faster and easier!

PLUS+1 GUIDE 8.1 (May 2016)
New Features and Functionality (see the GUIDE Release notes for more detailed information)

Enhanced License Model
  • New free Express license!
          - Includes free 90-day Professional Trial
          - Fully functional with basic tools
          - A free, yearly-renewable Express license is available for all users
          - Users can request one Express license with each major release of PLUS+1 GUIDE and Service Tool
          - This license can be obtained using an automated sequence from the License Manager dialog
  • Full license has been renamed to Professional!
          - Professional developers will benefit from our Professional version that enables additional tools and libraries to speed up the software development process
          - PLUS+1 GUIDE and Service Tool Professional License can be ordered through your local Danfoss sales representative
  • Debugger tool is now included in Professional license
  • It is now possible to copy and paste the body of a license email in the License Manager to add multiple license keys in one operation
  • The already existing Trial license (since v 8.0.5 a free, time limited license) can be obtained using an automated sequence from the License Manager dialog
          - This license will allow you to try all features of PLUS+1 GUIDE and Service Tool (including add-ons)
          - Projects created with a trial license will be tagged with a trial label and the used licensed content will disable save, edit, and compile rights when opened with an Express license.

  • For existing PLUS+1 License holders with PLUS+1 version 5.0 or later installed in this version your license key is automatically activated after installation of PLUS+1 GUIDE
  • Add-on modules are also available for the Professional version for an annual subscription fee;
          - GUIDE Add-On’s (part number 11179525)
          - Integration: Simulink® S-Function (SimModel) (part number 11179531)
          - Service Tool Add-On’s (ST_Pro) (part number 11179527)
          - For more information on these please read the full Release notes

Option for HWD to control the part number
  • The HWD can now override the Target part number during compilation of LHX files

Download this new release via the PLUS+1 GUIDE Download Page where you can also find our detailed Release notes .

Best Regards
PLUS+1® Helpdesk

Offline oiltronic

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Re: New release - PLUS+1 Tools 8.1!
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2016, 09:22:49 PM »
I want the Service Tool Pro add-on for creating download packages, but I don't like annual subscription models.   Is there a full purchase option available? 

It's a bit odd that I need a "Pro" add-on when the title bar already says "Service Tool 8.1.1 Professional".

I already have the GUIDE Professional license.  Does requesting the "trial license" through GUIDE then enable the Service Tool Pro license as well, albeit in trial mode?  This might be an option to use until my local sales rep can figure out how to sell me the license (he's having a hard time...).

I'm reluctant to create projects with a trial license if they will tagged as such, and the possible problems this may create.  What exactly happens when a trial license is installed onto a system with an existing Professional license?

Offline Chris W

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Re: New release - PLUS+1 Tools 8.1!
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2016, 11:23:33 PM »
Hi oiltronic,

In 8.1 and beyond we are moving toward a subscription model where the pricing should be much better than the legacy pricing.  We're also working through some re-branding and calling this license the 'Service Tool Add-On's' and dropping the 'pro' from the name.  Submitting the trial license request should allow you to try these additional features, but yes, your projects will be tagged.  When you request the trial license, you will receive an email with multiple license keys.  You can enter these into your license manager and enable/disable them at any time.

If you're having issues getting a hold of a license, please PM me and I'll see if I can help!

Best Regards,

Product Application Engineer
Danfoss Power Solutions