I'm using pin C1p49 of a MC088 to read the pulses from a prox sensor. I'm using the Measure Period function block to calculate the time between each pulse. I'm using the DigIn boolean signal from the C1p49 input pin. The minimal time between each pulse that the program will ever see is around 30-35 ms. To me, it's not that fast (about 33 Hz) and I think it should be good but I would lke a confirmation.
Does the DigIn of the C1p49 pin is fast enough for this?
I know it would have been better to use a FreqIn pin, but they are all used for other functions.
I looked into the API spec of the MC088 but I cannot find anything about the response time of the DigIn pins.
Let me know if you have an answer for this.
Thanks in advance!