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Controllers / SC050 Output PWM unstable
« Last post by Scott_MARL on July 03, 2024, 07:56:18 PM »
I have two PWM signals leaving the MFOut of a SC050 controller
Duty out = 6000 - 10000
Safety fet = disabled
Monitoring = disabled
Req Freq = 1000
Output mode = 3 & 6 (tried both)

Typically I would get a smooth voltage that I would read on the input pins, C1p10 & 11 in this case.
The output I am measuring is quite nosy, my C1p02 voltage is steady 11975mV from a filtered power supply.
C1p10 is measuring between 6V and 8.5 volts with a 8hz period (125 ms)

I isolated the circuit so it is a 6 inch wire going from C1p39 to C1p10(scaled to correct range in a pull down configuration).

Troubleshooting with my oscilloscope shows the noise is coming from the output pin C1p39 shows
This is full range PWM (0-12V), which up close looks alright but the leading edge is overshooting significantly and has a very consistent resonance when looking at larger scale. 

For now I can filter this out but I have never seen this before and it is happening to all of my SC050 controllers in our inventory I have tested.
Anyone else see this before?

This is the same circuit sampled from an MC050:

After some playing around with settings on the SC050 controller I found using a PWM frequency of 20,000 Hz cleans up the signal significantly.
SC050 with the same settings as above except for PWM rate. This seems logical, just odd that we have not seen this before:

PLUS+1 CS Hardware / Re: CS10 - Remote Service tool
« Last post by Beezkneez on July 02, 2024, 07:09:59 PM »
Thank you for the reply!

That is all extremely helpful info. I never thought about all of the data needing to be routed through the Danfoss server/s, so that makes perfect sense as far as lag is concerned.

I like the mini PC idea. Sounds like that might be the most reliable option for remote service tool. I had nothing but problems with the CS500 so I had hoped they improved on that some. I had high hopes for the CS10 but it sounds like everything I feared. I also found that the 24 Hour access pass that is required for a remote service tool session is not cheap.

Thanks again.
PLUS+1 GUIDE / Re: GUIDE 2024.2.4.6047 Warning on compile?
« Last post by Fredrick on June 28, 2024, 09:37:41 AM »
So no problem then.
PLUS+1 GUIDE / Re: GUIDE 2024.2.4.6047 Warning on compile?
« Last post by Tor on June 28, 2024, 09:25:51 AM »
Hello Fredrick,

I'm not sure how to explain this, it was a bit complicated when I contacted the developers.
As I understand it there is a bug in the OS and this is the issue: "Unconsidered EXR data properties for array elements".  What this exactly mean, I don't know.

Until there is a solution and a new HWD file is released, PLUS+1 GUIDE will give you a warning instead of an error you can't fix.  With this workaround you can at least compile the project.

I hope this give you some idea what is going on.

Have a nice day.

PLUS+1 CS Hardware / Re: Need help setting up CS10
« Last post by ToPe on June 28, 2024, 07:56:27 AM »
Hi Patrick,

first of all it is recommended to use the latest CS10 AppSW which is available on the PLUS+1 Update Center.
Any setting of the CS10 is shown in one of the following videos:
#124 CS10 Configuration Overview
#125 CS10 Set up WiFi Connection
#126 CS10 Set up Bluetooth Connection
#127 CS10 Set up M2M Connection

For the first use of the CS10 it is needed to change the Default SSID and Password. Using the default setting will block the CAN Access for safety reason.
In addition the Full Access mode is needed to be able to write any parameter to the CS10. In the Service Tool Page "Machine State determination" you have to enable "Force Full access mode".
Another needed parameter is "Proxy Enable" in the Service Tool page "MISC". This parameter enables the proxy to have remote access to the CS10 via internet (24h access pass).

All this CS10 default settings and also more stable WiFi and BT connection has been modified and improved in the next CS10 AppSW Version v122 which will be released soon.
General controls / Re: output of compilation
« Last post by Tor on June 28, 2024, 07:38:17 AM »
Hello federico.furlani

This is connected to a change in PLUS+1 GUIDE 2024.1.3.  See release notes.

Have a nice day.
PLUS+1 GUIDE / GUIDE 2024.2.4.6047 Warning on compile?
« Last post by Fredrick on June 27, 2024, 08:15:59 PM »

What does this warning mean, and what do I do about it?
See attached .png
PLUS+1 CS Hardware / Need help setting up CS10
« Last post by PatrickS on June 27, 2024, 03:33:52 PM »
I'm attempting to setting up a CS10 on one of our applications but couldn't find any real documentation on the whole process.
So far I've connected to the device with my computer via Bluetooth, opened the p1d file and established communication to the CS10 from there.

When I opened the file, it said I have to change the WiFi SSID and password for full access.
I then went to the WiFi page -> Operation tab and see where I believe you change the SSID and password.
However, after I changed those settings and hit 'Save', I just get a message that says 'Operation restricted by gateway. Full access mode is required'.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong, am I suppose to change the SSID and password somewhere else or have I missed a step?
Any help is much appreciated.
General controls / output of compilation
« Last post by federico.furlani on June 27, 2024, 12:21:51 PM »
Hi everyone,
which is the differences between a .lhx file and a .p1lhx file?
PLUS+1 CS Hardware / Re: CS10 - Remote Service tool
« Last post by Lukey on June 27, 2024, 03:33:21 AM »
We've used both within the last 12 months.

I can say I was thoroughly disappointed in the capabilities/development of the CS10.
To elaborate on that I was hoping/expecting that there would already be a seamless Mobile Service Tool application file that would allow us to use the  Mobile Service Tool to tell the CS10 the wifi credential that it is to connect to, that is not the case, you either have to build that file/api yourself (very difficult) or use GUIDE to configure it, so ultimately it is not end user friendly, only good for the developers.
(In our use case wanted to have a CS10 on a mobile piece of equipment, then the end user would use their mobile device to connect to there wifi, that could be a fixed/known wifi or say their mobile hotspot, but programming it to do so is not a simple, It's not that easy it seems.)

The lag/latency was no different between the two, the thing to remember is that regardless of fiber/wifi or mobile network, the CS device still has to connect to the remote/cloud Danfoss Connect/Service tool server, then redirected to the device, so it is never a direct PC/Machine to CS connection, all traffic goes through the Danfoss server where ever that is.
If lag/latency was a concern I use (installted/on/local to the machine) a PC/Nuk with GUIDE software installed and the CG150 connection at 1mbps, then I would us a RDP/VPN connection to the PC/Nuk to work direct from machine to machine in real time.
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