PLUS+1 Software > Code sharing

PGN 65259 SPN 588

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Hi All,

I am using PGN 65259 in order to get motor serial number as you see in Matt_Eng example.

As result usually a serial number_size = -1;

Please could you tell me where is the problem

Thanks for your help

With best regards

Is the Source and Destination mixed up for TP_RTS_CTS_Rx1?. I think Source should be the device you are receiving from and Destination is the Local address.

Hi Acmall,

You are right, it's working now.
I get 2 data: motor serial number size and motor serial number

motor serial number size = 8
motor serial number[1]= 55;
motor serial number[2]= 29;
motor serial number[3]= 41;
motor serial number[8]= ;

Is't that  motor serial number 552941........

Thank you very much
with best regards

I have not used it so you will need to confirm this but, I would have expected the CI_Parser to return an array of ASCII codes. What you are getting back doesn't appear to be a serial number when converted.

55 = 7
41 = )

What make of engine are you getting the serial number from? In your code PGN 65259 is being requested from Node ID 3. Per J1939 ID 3 is normally Transmission #1, 0 is Engine #1 & 1 is Engine #2.

I agree the result does seem a little strange. However, it should be possible to convert the ascii array to a string to make it easier to read.
Should just be a Retype to String, and then the checkpoint can be read in the service tool with a "String Parameter" in an advanced page.


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