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PLUS+1 Service Tool / Re: E270: Invaild data in file.....
« Last post by PARK HAN SOO on August 12, 2024, 07:36:31 AM »
Thank for your reply.
I solved the problem. Thank you. :D :D :D :D
Displays / DM1000 machine parameters report file
« Last post by sampler on August 11, 2024, 07:24:19 PM »
Is it possible to create a report of machine parameters (temperatures, fluid levels, etc.) in a non-editable file, e.g. PDF? Unfortunately, the csv file is not very transparent for the machine user.
PLUS+1 Service Tool / Re: E270: Invaild data in file.....
« Last post by acmall on August 09, 2024, 09:54:16 AM »
It is not the version of the Service Tool that you are using to open the file that causes the issue I posted, it is the version of P1 Base.

We had the exact same issue you are describing and it was resolved by updating the Update Center which also updates P1 Base. After doing this the file could be opened in the same version of the Service Tool that was previously giving the error.

PLUS+1 Service Tool / Re: E270: Invaild data in file.....
« Last post by PARK HAN SOO on August 09, 2024, 09:31:32 AM »
It opens on my computer, but not on other computers with the same version of the service tool installed.
PLUS+1 Service Tool / Re: E270: Invaild data in file.....
« Last post by acmall on August 09, 2024, 08:49:55 AM »
This could be cased by this issue.

[P100007144] P1D files saved in 2024.2.4 could not be opened by a user of older Service Tools that also used an old version of P1 Base.

If you open the Update Center it should pop up a message that there is new version of the Update Center. This will also update P1 Base.
Controllers / Re: SC024 problem Can
« Last post by samuelhj on August 08, 2024, 06:13:01 PM »
Can you post a picture of your setup and a screen shot of the service tool?

Looking at the datasheet, pins C1-P3 is can hi, C1-P4 is CAN lo and C1-P5 is can shield. are these connected along with Power? (C2-P11 and C2-P12, C1-p1 are power supply + and C1-P2 is ground)
Do you see the CG-150 gateway as online? If it's online, you can scan the system for ECUs by pressing F8 (or go under "system" > "Scan system")
Controllers / SC024 problem Can
« Last post by macbahi on August 08, 2024, 02:54:03 PM »

I have one SC024-120, Problem with Can-bus because in service tools I cannot see the module.

Please have-you idea what is the problem? Is there any solution?

Thanks in advance

With best regards
PLUS+1 Service Tool / E270: Invaild data in file.....
« Last post by PARK HAN SOO on August 08, 2024, 11:55:14 AM »
Any body knows what this error means, and how to solve it?
I can't open the service tool file. :-X :-X :-X
PLUS+1 Update Center / Error when trying to update
« Last post by williamk on August 07, 2024, 10:20:55 PM »
I tried to upgrade to the latest Update Center and I keep running into the error message in the attached screenshot.  I decided to completely uninstall the program and reinstall it using the 1.0.167 file from the Danfoss website, but that didn't fix the issue.
Controllers / Re: SC050 Output PWM unstable
« Last post by samuelhj on August 05, 2024, 08:39:27 PM »
Are you measuring this over open circuit or on a load? If so, what kind of load?
What type of valves are you trying to control with the PWM?

The noise you're seeing might be dithering, you need to adjust that as well for most valves.

Please post more information.
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