Author Topic: MC024 010 Not working after 3k hours  (Read 6418 times)


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MC024 010 Not working after 3k hours
« on: October 20, 2015, 05:13:41 PM »
Hello, after 3 years of using in more than 70 machines this happened in one MC024 with 3000 hours of operation.
My system has one DP250 communicating with MC024 and this microcontroller has to handle inputs and outputs for start/stop engine of a machine.
The thing is there's no more MC024 control of I/Os and no more communications through CAN bus to DP250 in one of the machines. But I can connect to MC024 with service tool on the bus, but the Display can't.
The MC024 green led is on when power-on for only 2 seconds and then turns off until power-off and at this point blinks. Red led is always off. (This is not good an both on and off)
I replace with a new one and problem solved.
So, any one in the forum have happened something similar?

Best regards!

PS: I've sent the questions also to helpdesk in danfoss.