Author Topic: SC050-120, new hardware  (Read 10906 times)

Offline Eliatis

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SC050-120, new hardware
« on: August 31, 2017, 10:33:26 AM »

We used a SC050-120 on our tractor. We had some trouble with hardware v100. So we try to use v170.
I have a problem on output 40.
I use a H1 bloc to command a pump. Output A is on C1p39 and Output B is on C1p40.
Pin have same configuration.
When I just have key on, this 2 pin works correctly but when I start the engine, the ouput B have a fault ( n° 32772).
I try to desactivate the fault detection. So no fault appear, on my C1p40.CurrentOut, I have a value but no physical current.
An other point, key on, I have a feedback current and motor on, no feedback current.

This programs works perfectly with hardware v100 ....

Do you have some idea ?

Thanks a lot in advance.

(Excuse me for my bad english )

Offline Eliatis

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Re: SC050-120, new hardware
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2017, 11:46:55 AM »
It's okay I find my problem !!

Safety part was in old hardware (v100).

If it can help someone :)

Offline Daniel

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Re: SC050-120, new hardware
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2017, 02:52:06 PM »

Eliatis made a good point here.

When updating the hwd in a Safety Controller, it is important to upgrade both the Primary and the Secondary, so they both run on the same version. Even in cases where you have not created any specific application for the secondary CPU, you need to make sure the secondary is running with the same version as the primary.
In those cases you can just create a simple application with only the HWD and the Template added in the project - and compile and download it to the secondary.

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Offline jashom1

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Re: SC050-120, new hardware
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2017, 12:37:31 AM »
It also helps if the sequence of updating the software is secondary first, then primary. I have found that if you update the primary first and the secondary is a different software, the controller will continuously re-boot and you will not be able to put software in unless you place it into recover mode.  If the secondary is updated first, it still allows you to update the primary without constantly rebooting.

Hope this helps.
