Thanks. Seems there%u2019s nobody local here that wants to take a crack at redesigning the software for this from scratch and we haven%u2019t had any luck locating someone with the original project files
Looks like I may end up taking a stab at this myself as we have issues with the mc controllers that HAS to be resolved. On that note is it completely unheard of, that the controller says its pwm output is X and the output is actually different?
Totally different topic from the display, but same machine. It had some redneck boosting by an operator last year which resulted in a fried controller on the valve bank and terminating resistor

Since that mishap, weve had issues with the drive. It is 2 series 90 edc pumps controlled by one of the mc050-010s and suregrip joystick. Sometimes the unit will track extremely hard to one side or the other, or the speed will be faster or slower than it should. During these episodes the input from the joystick shows no steering input, the max request, request and output all show equal left/right. But we%u2019re getting one pump stroking different than the other or both pumps stroking more or less than they should
The pumps and motors are ~400h on a fresh rebuild, edc%u2019s both ohmed ok and the same on both pumps (14.8/16.9ohms at -10c)
It seems like it may be an issue in a discrepancy between the mc%u2019s commanded output and the actual output? Typically stopping and leaving the joystick centred for a few seconds clears up the pulling to one side, but the overall speed is then usually effected. After a direction change or steering, the unit will usually go back to pulling one way or the other again
Id like to take a physical measurement of the output while the machine is working, would it pose any issue to run a multimeter on the edc wiring to verify the milliamperes remain constant or change when the machine acts up?