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General controls / Re: Parameter programming of PVEH-CC series 7.
« Last post by samuelhj on Today at 10:57:17 AM »
Thanks for your reply, but I think you are misunderstanding me. I do know how to drive regular valves using any of the MCs but what I'm trying to do is to replace an old valve in a crane with a new one, and to do that I need to extract the parameters from the valve, and put those parameters into the new valve along with replacing the default node ID of 128.

The only information I seem to be able to find is about pretty old,

And is using a tool before the Guide service tool was available I guess?

General controls / Re: Parameter programming of PVEH-CC series 7.
« Last post by Lukey on Today at 12:05:57 AM »
If you're using GUIDE there should be a compliance block that you can utilise that will make use of the valve very simple.
General controls / Parameter programming of PVEH-CC series 7.
« Last post by samuelhj on July 26, 2024, 07:07:56 PM »
I'm dealing with a rather annoying problem.

I have a PVEH-CC which is a canbus spool head and I can't figure out how to read the parameters for it.
The spool valve in question is 11079043.

I had a different spool valve few weeks ago that I managed to reprogram and read out the parameters but I can't for the love of my life figure this out. I remember there was an obscure way of doing this, but I'm completely at loss atm.
Displays / Re: DM430E/M - Replacing 1-1-x-x to 0-1-x-x display
« Last post by samuelhj on July 24, 2024, 02:27:14 AM »
Thank you Tor, I'll take a look at that.
Displays / Re: DM430 C1P12 DigFeedBack
« Last post by Lukey on July 14, 2024, 06:55:23 AM »
I don't think you can achieve the logic you want with this type of pin feedback.

Maybe you can utilise an Input configured PinConfig = 1 or 0,
Then determining the voltage on the input pin with the load connect/disconnected and output pin On/Off state.

Displays / Re: DM430 C1P12 DigFeedBack
« Last post by macbahi on July 12, 2024, 03:24:40 PM »
Hell Turkey

Thank you to replay me and sorry for my English.

*****The output pin is working as it should according to the pin description and what you are explaining is occurring****
Sorry I took about DigFeedBack.  As wrote in description: it's true when output is activated and when output is open.  So for both case is True.  How can you do test?

For that I did as showing in my picture.  My logic is working as I told you when the output is on at the first time. After that if the load broken or disconnected my feedback cannot change.  I hope you understand what I mean.  I think if you do test you will understand me.

Normally when we use Output Multi function the FeedBack is current from load.  It's easy.

*****I think your interpretation of how it operates is not correct*******
here you took about my logic or DigFeedBack ????

Any way, Please could you give me your feedback logic?

Thanks in advance for your help

With best regards
Displays / Re: DM430 C1P12 DigFeedBack
« Last post by Lukey on July 12, 2024, 03:19:17 AM »
The output pin is working as it should according to the pin description and what you are explaining is occurring.

I think your interpretation of how it operates is not correct.

Displays / DM430 C1P12 DigFeedBack
« Last post by macbahi on July 12, 2024, 12:08:29 AM »

I use DM430E and C1p12 as output but the DigFeedBack is special.  I use my feedback to tell client if the load is disconnected or not.

I use this logic in picture enclosed.  It's working but not as I want.
As example when it's working and the load is disconnected, my feedback stay 0.
As example if in the beginning the load is disconnected and output is on my feedback is activated but when the load is reconnected my feedback still activated.
It's normal because my logic is limited by this DigFeedBack.

I hope Danfoss find solution for this problem.

Please have you other solution to use feedback without using an external signal.

With best regards
Displays / Re: Color RGBx checkpoint problem
« Last post by macbahi on July 11, 2024, 11:05:50 PM »
Hello Lukey and Mtrbib,

Thank you very much.

It was mistake. My idea was to change colors with conditions.  But I cannot use Color RGBx signal as variable.

With best regards

Displays / Re: DM430E/M - Replacing 1-1-x-x to 0-1-x-x display
« Last post by Tor on July 11, 2024, 07:19:15 AM »

Maybe this YouTube video can help you?

Have a nice day.
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