Author Topic: New Patch on the way!  (Read 12527 times)


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New Patch on the way!
« on: June 11, 2015, 08:49:34 AM »
Hello all PLUS+1 developers!

We are currently doing the final touches to a patch to GUIDE to fix the following defects.

[P100003388] Video images in Vector Based Screen Editor did not compile.
[P100003446] In some cases, corrupt text data source would cause a compile error.
[P100003352] An error message has been added for the case when a component with an output signal is pasted into a screen definition and the output signal is already in use.
[P100003353] An error message has been added for the case when an output signal is connected to more than one output in a screen definition.
[P100003403] In some cases, corrupt text data source would cause texts of different languages to be mixed.
[P100003322] If the size of an application log definition is set to zero, compilation will fail with error 639.

Service Tool:
[P100003400] When using the "Add all named parameters" functionality, parameters with restricted access were added to the list.
[P100003440] When double-clicking a downloadable application file, the download dialog was displayed even though no ECUs were available.
[P100003445] When downloading an application to an ECU without having the correct Tool Key for the current application, the download procedure would fail in certain situations.

We are looking for a few beta testers of the new patch to get some run time of if. We are doing extensive testing of our software before each release but it is near impossible to test all possible combinations so therefore we are looking for some of you to test our new patch before the release.

If you are willing to and would find it useful to get a jump start on the new patch please send a mail to

Thanks and have great day // Thomas