Author Topic: New basic function blocks are released!  (Read 13203 times)

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New basic function blocks are released!
« on: May 23, 2014, 04:03:00 PM »
Dear PLUS+1 users!

As some of you already may have noticed, there are now some new function block libraries available on our website.

Those new libraries are parts of an upgrade of the Basic function block library, which eventually will be replaced by a number of smaller libraries based on the different main groups found in the basic function block library of today. Basically each puzzle piece color in the basic library will now get its own library instead.

To begin with, there are two libraries released: Controls function block library (the yellow puzzle pieces from the Basic function block library) and Outputs function block library (the green puzzle pieces from the Basic function block library).

Please check out our function block library download page for more information and release notes.

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