Author Topic: Temperature Sensor  (Read 23624 times)


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Temperature Sensor
« on: November 03, 2010, 12:17:20 AM »
Anyone know if either the 200 or 610 screens have internal temp sensors (or the MC02410 for that matter)?
We have these guys running out doors in all kinds of weather and I would like to monitor the system temp. Not critical just wanted to see how these units are doing in our enclosures.



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Re: Temperature Sensor
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2010, 10:25:55 AM »
Hi Tyler,

as I see in the API specification of the DP610, it only has 2 temperature sensors for the TFT and PCB, but not for the enviroment.
Concerning the DP200, there is a HW variable named "DegreeC". I don't know, where this sensor is placed, and if you could use it for monitoring the enviroment temperature. I also have no DP200 at my desk at the moment, so that I could try this. Even if this sensor is placed at the "outside" of the DP200, I don't think that you get any referencable results because when the display is running it heats itself.
I think the simplest way to monitor the ambient temperature in your enclosures is to use a pt100 temperature resistor. We do this in some of our projects and it works probably.

Best regards,


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Re: Temperature Sensor
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2010, 10:47:25 AM »
Thanks for your replay Rolf!

This is from the API document for DP600
.PCBTemp S16 Read PCB Temperature [C] Range = -46. . . 126
.DispTemp S16 Read TFT Temperature [C] Range = -53. . . 128

And this from the DP200
HWPCBTemp - Range = -40. . . 100 C Note2
Note: The sensor do not measure the surrounding temperature of the unit, it measure the temperature of the circuit board inside the
unit. Only to be used by the LCD heater control function.

Best regards // Thomas

Offline Federico

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Re: Temperature Sensor
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2010, 01:21:38 PM »
Hola Tyler,

No es posible utilizar los sensores internos para lo que tú quieres, al ser IP67 la estanqueidad no permite el intercambio de temperatura.
Como bien dice Rolf te recomiendo colocar PT100, también puedes poner un LM35 ( ), tendrás 10 mV por cada ºC con este integradito.

Saludos Cordiales.


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Re: Temperature Sensor
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2010, 06:00:51 PM »
That is a great idea. I have used LM35 before with other microcontrollers but the thought never crossed my mind to apply it here.
