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New release - Announcing PLUS+1® GUIDE and Service Tool 12.0!
Fast. Easy. Open. Three pillars sustaining and guiding advances in performance and features of PLUS+1 GUIDE and Service Tool, a fundamental framework that continues with the 12.0 release. Rest assured, Danfoss is committed to further improve the PLUS+1 software platform to enable customers with intelligent and intuitive tools to shorten product development cycles.
Version 12.0 is now available in the PLUS+1 Update Center and ready for download!
Highlights & New Features:
New PLUS+1 GUIDE and Service Tool features:
* New themes for the user interface! - Dark and Light can be selected from the options menu
- Now using anti-aliasing and true type fonts allowing for smooth lines and text
- Updated icons and colors for a general contemporary look
* Improved compilation speed - Compile dialog now gives more progress information when compiling for test, debug and simulink
* Improved start-up time - Key elements of libraries are now cached for quick subsequent loads
* Module viewer now supports print menu
* Query – when querying Time base component, value field offers a drop-down list of supported time bases
* Debugger - New tab for setting initial values for all input signals
- Run debugger based on a specific loop index from the context menu
- Add-Watch dialog supports drop-down selection of available signals
- Editing loop inputs through import/export via CSV files
* VBSE - A “screens” folder is now part of the “My code” tab
- Screens can be exported and import between the project and MyCode via context menus
- Stacking order of objects is now easier to inspect through improved context menus
* Extended ECU settings for Advanced Page components - Add generic ECUs in service applications with one or more matching criteria
-> Several ECUs may match a generic ECUs matching criteria
- Panel components can now be added as panel definitions
- Panel components and Page now have an option to select ECU under properties
- Replace ECU functionality added to hyperlink setting
* ECU media file management - ECUs supporting media files will have a ‘Manage ECU media files’ item in the ECU in the System Navigator.
- A ‘Manage ECU media files’ will also be added to the File menu
* Intuitive search signal function for Advanced Pages - Now possible to start typing part of the signal name to get a filtered list of signal names
Easiest way to update, and keep you updated on any new releases, is by using our PLUS+1 Update center but, if this happens to be your first time downloading PLUS+1 software tools please use below links;
Service tool
For more details please read the Release Notes under Help menu in PLUS+1 GUIDE and Service tool!
Any questions? Contact PLUS+1 Helpdesk at !
Best regards
PLUS+1 Helpdesk team
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