Author Topic: Example code for use of CAN Xplorer protocol  (Read 13596 times)

Offline Nilla

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Example code for use of CAN Xplorer protocol
« on: August 17, 2016, 02:21:50 PM »
CAN Xplorer is a protocol that can be used to log and send generic CAN messages on the CAN bus. The content of the CAN messages are mapped to PLUS+1® Service Tool signals and parameters using CAN database definition files.

A Service Tool Professional Add-on License is required to install diagnostic data files for the CAN Xplorer protocol.

This example shows the principle of how to use this protocol and includes some messages from J1939 DM1. The attached .zip-file includes all the files needed. To get more detailed info please read about CAN Xplorer protocol in the Design Manual for PLUS+1® Service tool.

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PLUS+1® Helpdesk