What is the best way to display strings that are from a list when we use the ScreenMenu library?
I understand how to do it for the CreateNumeric and CreateBoolean block, but not for the CreateList block.
Here's my menu setup :
- I have 4x MenuItems blocks.
- I have a SubMenu block that have 2x CreateList and 4x CreateNumeric blocks.
- Each CreateList block contains 3x CreateText blocks.
- For each CreateList block, the CreateText descriptions are differents (so, two kind of lists basically)
On the ScreenDefinition, I can easily do the following :
- Display the correct MenuTitle
- Display the correct MenuItemDescription
- Enable a NumericData textfield if the actual MenuItem is of Numeric type.
- Display the correct numeric data in the NumericData textfield using the "MenuX.Data" input
- Enable a TextList if the actual MenuItem is of List type.
But, I can't do the following :
- Display the correct "CreateText" string of the actual list. There is no input like "MenuX.String".
I tried the MenuX.TypeString, but it does not work, because it is only related to a CreateBoolean block.
Currently, I'm obliged to use the "MenuX.Data" input as the ActiveIndex of the TextList and place "constant text" inside this textList. The problem doing this, is that I have two different kind of lists. So, I need to place 8 TextLists (4x for each type of list) and add some logic to enable them or not. And because the actual position of the TextList can be anywhere between the 4 MenuItems, it's hard to code for this behavior.
It would have been so much easier if there was an input like "MenuX.String" for the ScreenDefinition to return the actual string of the list to be displayed for a specific MenuItem.
Let me know the good way to do this.
Have a good day!