I'm pretty certain that you could create your own generic J1939 receiver using the CAN Rx compliance block or CAN components and building on that. Honestly though I've just gotten used to manually building the CAN ID when necessary for J1939 stuff that's not in the library. The stuff that I always do for manually building J1939 messages is:
- look up J1939 29-bit CAN ID structure (priority, couple of blank bits, then PGN, then source address)
- look up a Bit shift calculator (ex: Priority is first in the ID and 3 bits long, so your Priority value is shifted left 26 bits.
- Add up priority (after shifting left by 26 bits), PGN (after shifting left by 8 bits), and Source Address
- Convert to hex if desired before feeding into CAD ID input on component
Doing the above steps can be done with the Array components I imagine such that you could build your own generic J1939 Rx block with priority, PGN, SA for inputs (and data too of course).