PLUS+1 Software > Code sharing
PGN 65259 SPN 588
I want to use PGN 65259 SPN 588 in order to get engine serial number but I didn't find this function in Danfoss library.
So I must to do any alternative to get it.
I didn't understand: stat byte = c and length =200 byte . Please see the file included.
Please anyone have any ideas what might be the issue?
I will appreciate your collaboration if you have a similar code to share.
Thanks in advance for your help
With best regards
Hi Macbahi,
PGN 65259 is a multipacket message with variable length.
This PGN is available under Bidirectional->TransProtocol_Rx->Parsers, and it is called CI_Parser
To receive and process the message, you'll need three blocks.
1. Req_PGN_Tx: This will be used to request PGN 65259 from the remote device
2. TP_RTS_CTS_Rx: This is used to receive the multipacket messages. It needs to be configured to receive PGN 65259
3. CI_Parser: This block is connected to TP_RTS_CTS_Rx and decodes the message into a nice friendly signal.
There is a small J1939 Example in the update center that shows the CI_Parser, but it is missing the Req_Pgn_Tx function which is needed.
Hello sir,
Thank you very much to answer me.
but I don't know where I find Bidirectional->TransProtocol_Rx->Parsers, and it is called CI_Parser
With regards
They are slightly newer functions, but they are available in version 5.10 of the J1939 Library.
I've attached a small screenshot of the library tab and have added red boxes to highlight the 3 functions I mentioned.
I've also added a little picture example of how the 3 blocks work together.
Hi sir Matt,
Thank you very much.
I updated my J1939 library 400 for 510. I found all.
Thanks for your help
Yours sincerely
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