PLUS+1 Tools > PLUS+1 Service Tool

Scripting through an update!



I've tried several methods to ensure our dealers cannot take the wrong path or perform incorrect updates. However, I’ve noticed that if a dealer has a license and opens our application in design mode, they still have access to documents, resources and system navigator. :o

Is there a function I can call from the script to put their service tool into 'RUN mode' when eg. the '_ServiceTool_AfterFileOpen' function has been called?

Best regards,

Hello Jonas.

There is a possibility to use the lock function (Design>Lock). This will at least hide the Design folder in both modes.    Unfortunately the Document folder is still visible.
The lock function can't be undone, so please create a backup!!

There is no way today to lock this with any script functions.

I think this will be a good feature, so I will add this to the PLUS+1 Wishlist.


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