Author Topic: 6 element on a DP250 page  (Read 15690 times)


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6 element on a DP250 page
« on: October 09, 2013, 11:28:14 AM »
I've a DP 250, I'm trying to pun in a page 6 elements, I want to point out one by one using 2 bottons,one to go un one to go down.
Has anybody any idea ho i can do this?
thanks in avance

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Re: 6 element on a DP250 page
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2013, 08:13:47 PM »
Hello Mimmo

For example:
Put the 6 elements in an image list and use an up-/ down counter to select the index in the image list.



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Re: 6 element on a DP250 page
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2013, 05:59:52 PM »
For my work i need to use 6 different button on a display, but the DP250 has only 4 of its,so i created 2 different pages where i can command the cylinders 1,2 and 3 in the first and the cylinders 4,5  and 6 in the second one. I ve had to set the same button for the cylinder 1-4 ; 2-5 ; 3-6. Now even if they are in different pages when i want to modify the 1 i do it for the 4 too. I don't want it.
How can I do? Isn't enought to divide them in 2 different pages?
Thank you in advance.

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Re: 6 element on a DP250 page
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2013, 11:26:26 AM »
Hi MimmoA

No, the screen and the buttons are two different things, so you will also need to separate the button function with logics, depending on which page you are currently working in.
So when you are on screen page 1, you must program your application to "know" this and then direct the button signal to Function 1.
When you switch to page 2, you must program your application so that the button signal now instead will be directed to activate Fuction 4 (and not Function 1).

I hope that was answer to your question.

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Re: 6 element on a DP250 page
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2014, 10:15:01 PM »
With the first button designated as "next page", send that button to a Loop Counter, and then the output of that to a few comparators, one for each page.  The outputs of these comparators become your "EnablePage1", "EnablePage2", etc. signals.  Feed these signals to your button logic and to your screen areas.  Create multiple screen areas, one for each page, then create associated "Define Screen" pages, one for each area. 

Depending on your preferences and screen layout, you might also want to make a common footer in a separate screen area that indicates the button functions.  I tend to do this so the all-important user prompts are in one place, to reduce redundant code, and to help ensure that the user always sees something above the buttons, just in case a bad page doesn't show what it is supposed to.