Author Topic: CAN0 R and L in DP610LX  (Read 13454 times)

Offline Federico

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CAN0 R and L in DP610LX
« on: August 16, 2013, 04:39:13 PM »
Estimados, alguno podría indicarme cuales son las diferencias entre CAN R y CAN L?

Necesito comandar 2 motores Diesel y pienso utilizar un CAN0 para cada uno, el tráfico es independiente? La carga del Bus es la suma de cada carga?


Dear, someone could tell me what are the differences between "CAN0 R" and "CAN0 L"?

I need to commandeer two diesel engines and I use a CAN0 for each. Traffic is independent? The bus load is the sum of both load?



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Re: CAN0 R and L in DP610LX
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2013, 07:25:23 PM »
Hello Federico,

The CAN0 R and CAN0 L are related to the REDCAN feature.
The software provides an interface to be able to use either pin set or both pin sets depending on the mode/configuration.
Both sets of pins can get connected to the same CAN0 Transciever, again depending on the mode/configuration.
If it is configured to use both sets of pins, they are effectively on the same bus and traffic is not independent.

I hope this helps.
